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Archer Season 2 Episode 11 "Jeu Monegasque" Review

Season two of Archer DVD has been on a much grander scale. The staff at ISIS have done much more jet-setting, including a trip to Monaco during the Grand Prix.
Malory, Lana, Ray and Archer DVD are in Monaco to pay off Le Chuffre, who is attempting to extort Malory for a disc containing sensitive material. While staying at the hotel, Archer DVD manages to foolishly gamble away the $4 million in bearer bonds (the money came from ISIS 401Ks) which were to be used for the exchange with Le Chuffre.
Without a doubt, "Jeu Monegasque" was the most James Bond-esque episode of the entire series. The villain's name is Le Chuffre (much like Le Chiffre from Casino Royale) and the climax of the episode is an amazing car chase through Monaco, ending in a car flying into a helicopter. As Archer DVD would say, that was so totally ninja.
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